Meter operated by time and distance, you will be pleasantly reminded your driver, pre-booked by phone or on the internet is well serviced and continues to maintain same and so does the vehicle. Your driver, Ricky can also provide and repeat bookings as you require them. So if you’re gonna hand pick your taxi sedan, who you gonna call? And when you call, what you gonna get?
It certainly won’t be horse-drawn and it won’t be reminiscent of a Hansom cab although they were enjoyed right up until the mid nineteen thirties. No, your taxi Suh! Madame, will be as near to a luxury vehicle with the same flavour of reliability, competitive fares and service offered with a sunshine smile. It is who Taxi Wizard is and what you expect.
A sedan is a service that is more economical than catching an airport shuttle bus if you have more than two passengers and makes for a seamless journey on which you have comfort, copious space to place your feet and your knees aren’t tickling the hairs on your chin. You’ll be riding in a late model Ford sedan that has excellent accommodation for luggage and is your safe alternative to just any old taxi that is drifting through the city on hail. Your route will be the shortest to your designation and your driver will provide all his services to all people, at all times.
Gone are the days of hailing a cab. With a service that is personal and tailored to your needs you have your own personalised taxi that is provided to you with a flavour of luxury, gentle chatter if you wish, otherwise, Ricky will sing … mmm, maybe just let him know you’d like silence and he’ll grant you your wish. And you will enjoy a very competitive fair, whilst being dropped off on time. Every time.
Your sedan will enjoy the same motorised capabilities as a French-designed Renault that is catered to men and women of social prominence and will accommodate four people. It will be clean, cosy and extremely well cared for and it will be driven by a driver of the same calibre. An expert in his field, your driver, Ricky will meet you at the airport and convey you to your next destination with a wholesome respect for your safety and comfort.
Ricky comes from a provincial individualised fleet of taxis that has predominantly built a reputation for experience, reliability, caring and integrity. All the creature comforts with an ability that will have your needs and most requests met.
Why hire a taxi when you can travel in the comfort of a Sedan? And Taxi Wizard offers sedan station wagon taxis… what a choice.